Sometimes when this happens I throw a tantrum. Sometimes I take it a little more in stride. I am proud to report that as time has gone on I have gotten better at trusting him...because it always turns out better than I could have expected in the end.
Another positive aspect of God leading me in mysterious ways is that I have learned over time and over time again to NOT JUDGE PEOPLE. I grew up in a very diverse place and I never felt like a judgmental person (do you ever?) because I didn't judge people who had different backgrounds from me, which was most of the people I associated with. Then I went to a college where everyone was mormon. Then I went on a mission where it's even more homogenous. I learned that I was a very judgmental person. I think we are often harder on people that come from our same background because we think we know them and their motivations and what they should do. But we don't. I had learned not to judge the sinner, but had a much harder time learning to not judge the saint. I'm still learning, but I've gotten much, much better. Funny how perspective changes things like that.
So I got a rad internship with an interior design firm in the city. Definitely not what I thought I would be doing with my life at this moment in time but I know its what I'm supposed to be doing. I don't know where it will lead me and I don't know for how long He wants me to be doing this but it's definitely been fun so far. In the mornings I get up, the hubster drives me to the 69th street subway station where I ride 13 stops into the city, then walk 8 blocks to South street, which is an up and coming hipster neighborhood where I work all day with the designers, compare fabric swatches, go to vendor meetings, and even pick out options for some pretty well-to-do clients.
Here is where I work now.
There are of course some not-as-fun typical intern tasks like putting stickers on coffee sleeves or taking out the trash, oh yeah, and not getting paid...but as far as internships go, this one is pretty awesome and has good chances of turning into a position with the firm. And I'm learning a LOT. It feels sort of like that montage in a chick flick when the girl lands the gig and she's working hard and catching the subway and working in an office with exposed brick walls...yeah, sort of like that. Queue the upbeat soundtrack. (P.S. I just went to Hulu to check the spelling on Queue). But anyway, NOT what I imagined I would be doing right now. And although my first temptation is confusion and then perhaps a tantrum (because I LIKE my plans, darnit)--as far as alternate routes God has taken me on before, this one is not too shabby. Not too shabby.
And just so I can up my internet real estate, here are some more photos of the neighborhood I'm working in. It's pretty cool.