Tuesday, September 13, 2011

On the Road

I can now say that I have participated in that rite of passage that we know of as: the cross country road trip.  Whoever decided that this was a rite of passage?  And is it only a rite of passage here in the US?  Because I'm pretty sure it's not quite the same for those crazy college kids in Luxembourg.  Or those crazy college kids in Canada.  Not that I am a crazy college kid.  I'm married--so it was just me and my husband--but it was surprisingly enjoyable.  Not surprising as in that much time spent with my husband is not usually enjoyable, but surprising as in I did not want to scream and tear my face off after driving 3,000 miles.  This is good.

When you are on a really long road trip you start getting excited about really mundane things. Like seeing a sign for elevation in the middle of a state that says "sea level" instead of a bunch of numbers.  Or a pretty town nestled in the side of a mountain.  Or getting a truck driver to wave back at you.  I wonder if they enjoy when people do that.  Maybe the really gregarious ones do...but I've never met a gregarious truck driver, have you?

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